Personal website of Blake Watson Online since 2005

Minimal color illustration of a white man with brown hair, headphones, and wearing a red shirt emblazoned with a ringed planet silhouette.

I’m a software engineer, side-project enthusiast, hobbyist game developer, sometimes writer, and full-time wheelchair user.


Things I miss

Let’s be sad together for a moment, and then get back to our regularly-scheduled programming.

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Last night I dreamed I was back in high school and the teacher opened the first day of class with “We’re going to be learning web design… and COBOL.”


I’m so happy about a longstanding bug that was fixed in macOS Accessibility Keyboard, the built-in onscreen keyboard.

The accessibility keyboard has word prediction similar to how an iPhone does. Problem is, it usually crapped out in browser-based editors (probably because of how weird `contenteditable` regions are).

But in the latest version of Sonoma it’s working beautifully! That means I can now easily write in apps like Obsidian and my own

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