
Losing You is an existential narrative short film storytelling slideshow kind of a thing. I didn’t know what I was getting into when I hit play (okay I had some idea because I’ve watched exurb1a’s videos before). But the story just kind of started, and I sploshed along for the ride.

Whenever I'm using a reactive JavaScript library and my code doesn't react like I think it should, I get irrationally angry and I'm all like, USE A REACTIVE LIBRARY THEY SAID. IT REACTS TO YOUR CHANGES THEY SAID.


I'm trying to pick back up on my goal from last fall to learn C# and (after that) .NET Core. I also want to see what it's like to build interactive frontend UI with HTMX.

As an experimental project I'm thinking of doing a multiplayer Yahtzee clone where all of the game state is tracked on the server. Fairly boring, but I've programmed this stupid game about four times now in my life so it would be a nice, comfy project for learning other stuff.


BREAKING: Executive order instructs all federal employees to refer to the president as “Real Donald Trump” with optional initial, "J"

A anonymous White House staffer said the “J” is not optional but merely a test of loyalty.


BREAKING: New executive order clarifies that previous executive orders are subject to change

“Just check the president’s Truth Social account for the latest,” a spokesperson said. “We can’t keep up.”


I was helping @mhilltopple debug some JavaScript and had a complete brain fart where I thought you could check for the existence of a variable with an if statement.

But no. You can *assign* to a nonexistent variable (JavaScript just creates a global variable for you, as long as you’re not in strict mode). But you can't just reference any old made-up variable.


BREAKING: All federal employees to be paid with dogecoin instructs latest executive order

When asked if the employees could pay their taxes with dogecoin, the White House spokesperson snickered and left the podium.


BREAKING: Eggs considered harmful says latest executive order

A White House spokesperson credited the Trump administration with the high price of eggs as a strategy to protect Americans.

"No one likes eggs, eggs are lame. People are saying it. I'm not saying it, but people are saying it. Eggs are bad. They're very bad,” the president added.


BREAKING: Alaska and Hawaii must relocate to the contiguous United States after executive order outlines broad return to office policy

A spokesperson admitted the plan was ambitious, but cited plate tectonics as precedent for moving chunks of earth around.


BREAKING: The Great Lakes to be renamed the Greatest Lakes to comply with new executive order

“We love the lakes; they’re the greatest lakes. People are saying it; they’re all saying it, and by the way it’s so true. [sharp inhale]” the president said.
