Personal website of Blake Watson Online since 2005

Minimal color illustration of a white man with brown hair, headphones, and wearing a red shirt emblazoned with a ringed planet silhouette.

I’m a software engineer, side-project enthusiast, hobbyist game developer, sometimes writer, and full-time wheelchair user.


Things I miss

Let’s be sad together for a moment, and then get back to our regularly-scheduled programming.

Journal archive →


If you have a version of your resume in HTML, I’d love to see it! For learning/curiosity/inspiration.

I wish I knew how the hell emails containing the word “airdrop” multiple times are getting through all THREE of my spam filters.

I’m working on a beginner HTML tutorial series and I’m just finding out that YouTube embeds won’t work in a non-ssl context like a local web server.

Do I have any good option for getting around this? I’m not gonna make a beginner deal with self-signed certs.

Microblog archive →