This entry originally appeared on my disability blog, I hate stairs.
UPDATE: Shirts now available at
Fellow stair-haters, I have an important update for you. Way back in July, I introduced an idea that my brother and I had. The name of the post was “Disabled people are funny looking” and it presented several ideas for funny T-shirts. We got some good feedback (and a record 23 comments) and we’ve been thinking about how we should go about producing them. Well, almost 9 months later, we have finally figured it out!
We are going to be using CafePress to produce and sell the t-shirts. The great thing about CafePress is that we can upload designs very easily can sell a variety of shirts and sizes without having to make a big upfront investment. CafePress more or less makes the shirts to order, so we don’t have to pay anything upfront.
I am going to be working on a website to showcase the shirts and I will link to the CafePress store. I’ll try to get that finished as soon as possible but school is going to be a little busy during the next 2-3 weeks. Until then, I do have some things I can share with you. First, check out the new design! It will be available on black, navy, and white. Here’s what the black and white versions look like:
I hate stairs t-shirt preview
I hate stairs (original dark)
I hate stairs (original white)
The description:
You hate stairs. When you pass them, the visions of you tumbling to your inevitable death make your palms sweat and your breathing shallow. Now you can confuse passers-by with this simple declaration.
The “I hate stairs” design is artistic and expressive. And even though it’s funny there is some significance to it as well. The lower case “i” kind of looks like a little stick person, distressed by the obstacle that is keeping him from reaching the rest of the phrase. The stairs are a barrier. The stairs could be any barriers. You don’t just hate stairs. You hate barriers.
Stay tuned for more updates on the shirts. Any feedback would be awesome. I’ll make sure to let everyone know when I finish the website. But before then, if you really really really want to buy a shirt, e-mail me and I’ll hook you up.