

Aside: Mastodon post on 03/15/2024

Have you ever come across some code on a project and thought, “that is kind of weird but irrelevant to me right now,” and then discovered hours later that it’s the source of the bug you have been trying to fix the entire time?

Edit: it turns out there is a comment above the exact line of problematic code that says “Yes this is stupid…”

Aside: Mastodon post on 03/09/2024

It is mind boggling how much JavaScript exists just to help people avoid writing CSS.

Aside: Mastodon post on 03/06/2024

Troy and Abed is the greatest bromance in the history of television. Chang my mind.

Aside: Mastodon post on 02/27/2024

What’s the easiest way to get started making a theme for VS Code these days? I know I’ve seen some web-based tools out there.

Aside: Mastodon post on 02/24/2024

Ok @eleventy peeps, what’s the secret to getting nice highlighting and prettier formatting on njk files? Feel like I saw a toot about this recently and can’t remember who it was.

Aside: Mastodon post on 02/20/2024

I need a recommendation for a budgeting tool that makes it easy to get your transactions into it.

I currently have a Numbers spreadsheet with recurring income and expenses. But there are some estimations here and it’s not giving me a clear enough picture.

Aside: Mastodon post on 02/13/2024

I’m totally fine with paying for services. I do it all the time. I probably overdo it. BUT…

I’m a little miffed at IFTTT. I was using a free integration for the past year. Then it suddenly quit working. Turns out they decided to charge for it now.

Look I can sympathize with trying to price a SaaS. But saying something is free then charging me after I’m relying on it isn’t cool.

Luckily it’s easily replaceable by a cron job.