
I’ve been using Operator Mono as my code editor font for years, but today I grabbed Operator Mono ScreenSmart and it’s great. It especially improves legibility of light themes in my experience.

Week 2 of learning how to make games with the HTML canvas API. I present to you my (simplistic) take on Space Invaders. /space-invaders/

I wanted to play with HTML canvas a little bit so I made this simplistic pong game. Making it was a lot of fun. /pong/

Adobe is discontinuing Flash after 2020. No more updates and it won’t even play Flash content after that date. I hate Flash as much as the next person but there are so many great old Flash games that will be made unplayable; which is kind of sad.

Pro tip: if you feel like your DuckDuckGo search isn’t getting the results you’re after and you are thinking of checking Google, add “!sp” to your DDG search. That will search Startpage, which is privacy-friendly Google results.

“I wanted to walk through the empty streets. And feel something constant under my feet. But all the news reports recommended that I stay indoors.”

Just getting rid of some malware with CleanMyMac X.

Screenshot of CleanMyMac X uninstalling Zoom from my computer.

TIL VS Code can enable/disable extensions on a per-workspace basis.

Here are @zeldman's tools for slow design in an anxious world. 🐢

  • Big type
  • Hierarchy
  • Minimalism
  • Art direction
  • Whitespace
  • Branded
  • Authoritative
- Big type - Hierarchy - Minimalism - Art direction - Whitespace - Branded - Authoritative

If your app is gonna support Markdown syntax, then at least support the basic typographical elements. I can’t stand this behavior I see in some apps where bold and italics work but links, lists, and blockquotes don’t.

When I see a well-written error message that not only tells me what’s wrong, but also how to fix it, I’m like… FIX IT YOURSELF if you’re so smart then… sheesh.

Annoying (to me) UI patterns:

  • Hidden scrollbars
  • Menus requiring sustained mouseover
  • Text on top of busy images
  • Newsletter signup modals
  • DIY form controls
  • Infinite scroll
  • Autoplaying media
  • Cookie disclaimers
  • Alerts when leaving a site