
Imagine your favorite app. Now imagine that you could change the way it looks or how it behaves without having to submit a feature request to the developer.

Such is the power of the web.

You can add your own CSS or JavaScript to any webpage. How wild is that?


Have you ever come across some code on a project and thought, “that is kind of weird but irrelevant to me right now,” and then discovered hours later that it’s the source of the bug you have been trying to fix the entire time?

Edit: it turns out there is a comment above the exact line of problematic code that says “Yes this is stupid…”

Edit again: git blame is erroneously saying that *I* did this three days ago.


I need a recommendation for a budgeting tool that makes it easy to get your transactions into it.

I currently have a Numbers spreadsheet with recurring income and expenses. But there are some estimations here and it’s not giving me a clear enough picture.
