
I think about this quote from @andy a lot:

‘P.S if you think “no one will want to read my posts”, you’re wrong, because I do.’

It’s just a sweet sentiment. It’s important to remember—someone will read your website. A tweet is dead on the vine. No one is gonna read your old Facebook note from years ago. But your website is timeless and someone will eventually read it.

Making your own website is rewarding in a way that a corporate social media profile never will be.



Can’t decide if I want to enact a house style rule to capitalize the “i” in internet on my blog. Lowercase probably adheres more to modern style but I like the way capitalizing it makes me feel like I’m in the 90s.


Technology we have: Hallucinating artificial intelligence that can plagiarize art.

Technology I wish we had: A version of PHP that would tell me I forgot a semi-colon rather than sending me on a wild goose chase.
