
Canā€™t decide if I want to enact a house style rule to capitalize the ā€œiā€ in internet on my blog. Lowercase probably adheres more to modern style but I like the way capitalizing it makes me feel like Iā€™m in the 90s.


Technology we have: Hallucinating artificial intelligence that can plagiarize art.

Technology I wish we had: A version of PHP that would tell me I forgot a semi-colon rather than sending me on a wild goose chase.


The Kirby 4 launch made me reminisce about how I first found it a decade-ish ago. I was looking to replace a similar file-based CMS called Stacey (I seem to remember a little drama between Kirby and Stacey but I might be wrong).

Another old CMS I was considering at the time was Indexhibit, which apparently is still kicking. indexhibit.org/


Ever since the iOS 17 update that dropped the ā€œHey Siriā€ requirement, my HomePod only activates about a fourth of the time. I donā€™t know what happened but itā€™s almost unusable now.
