Ever since the iOS 17 update that dropped the “Hey Siri” requirement, my HomePod only activates about a fourth of the time. I don’t know what happened but it’s almost unusable now.
A program that turns a Bear note into a webpage styled with Water.css. Call it Water Bear and its logo is a tardigrade. #AppIdea
I’m investigating the pros/cons of using web components directly vs. using Lit, but struggling to find comparisons. If you know of any, please send them my way!
Here’s a little treat for those doing November writing activities:
I put a bunch of strong action verbs in a compact cheatsheet. It’s a @codepen so you can fork it and make it yours.
Note: this was my first attempt at fluid typography. I wanted to make everything fit without scrolling and be spaced for easy eye-scanning. If you know how to improve it, please fork it and let me know!
“Redesigning your personal website is one of life’s great pleasures.” — @chriscoyier on People & Blogs.
I’ve never listened to Wilco. Where should I start?
I started putting together my default apps post almost two weeks ago when I saw @robb mention the relevant Hemispheric Views episode. I've been a bit busy with work and NaNoWriMo but I finally got it over the finish line.
You know how some dogs bark at people when they come over?
My dog barks at people when they leave.
I don’t know who needs this but Gunship has a new album out and it’s awesome. https://open.spotify.com/album/4uAOIj4Sxh4sL6G0v5kykv?si=SHSb0OW7QDSQDxUz8rTKuQ
Listening to the album Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard and realizing it is 20 years old this year.
Sometimes I miss CSS-Tricks. I really thought DO was gonna do a better job.
I've issued exactly one Cursorless command and I already feel the power coursing through my veins. https://www.cursorless.org/
Behind on my NaNoWriMo 2023 writing goal, as is the natural order of things.
This has to be the most poignant description of a font I’ve ever read. Also it’s a great font for anyone out there attempting #NaNoWriMo. https://indestructibletype.com/Drafting/
@tomfinley@wptoots.social Yeah WordPress itself is impressively backward compatible. Unfortunately PHP isn’t so much. I’ve been bit by breaking changes in PHP a number of times. Luckily, WordPress is actively developed and on top of things!
I often find myself humming the SMB 1 overworld theme. That has to be one of the most iconic pieces in the history of digital music.
How does Slack not have syntax highlighting on code blocks? It's supposed to be *the* chat application for work. Discord’s code blocks are way better.
(Someone correct me if Slack does have this feature and I'm just using it wrong. But including a language abbreviation after the opening code fence doesn't seem to do it.)
Listening to the album Infinite Arms by Band of Horses while I work and, man, I forgot how good this was. #NowPlaying
I got an email announcing a State of React survey and SpamSieve flagged it as spam. I ain’t even mad.