
- Arc browser
- The new Edge design
- The new Slack design
- Craft

What do you call this UI design style?

It’s sort of modular, delineating between the window container and inner containers. Rounded corners everywhere.


I'm one of those people who enjoys making fun of Tailwind even though I've never used it.

But I keep hearing the same thing from different people who like it. They don't put it in these terms, but what I hear is:

Tailwind lets you style things without naming a bunch of things.

Not saying this is an insurmountable problem of other CSS methodologies, but just that Tailwind involves less coming up with names.

And naming things, as we know, is one of the two hard things in computer science.


My weekend project. I recently backed a Kickstarter for Writer Emergency Pack XL, a deck of cards, each one with a creative prompt for getting a story unstuck. writeremergency.com

Problem is I can’t really handle a physical cards. And it seems they discontinued their accessible, web-based version.

So I got someone to help me scan in all the cards. Then I built a little card viewer thingy in HTML.

I don’t think I have the right to share it, so I’ll have to drop a few screenshots instead.

The Writer Emergency Pack XL (by John August) card deck cover resting on a gray background. One card has been pulled at random. It’s now sitting to the right of the card deck cover. It’s card 32. It has an illustration of a beast standing next to some people playing tether ball. The text says “Beast Mode: Unlock your hero’s wild side.” Another card has been pulled at random. The previous card has moved down the page to make room. The new card, number 28, has an illustration of a gorilla handcuffed to an explorer. The text says, Handcuffs of Fate: They may not like it, but now they’re a team.“ The ENHANCE! button was clicked on the Beast Mode card and it now appears enlarged in an overlay. It has also been flipped, revealing the back of the card. The back has paragraphs of text expanding on the Beast Mode theme, as follows.

From The Hulk to Mr. Hyde, some heroes transform into monstrous creatures. But the shift doesn't have to be physical. Beast Mode is an attitude more than anything.

Look for ways your hero can break free from expectations and tackle seemingly impossible tasks.

Would your hero be frightened of their beastly actions, or find unexpected joy in letting loose?
Could their transformation hurt someone they care about?


- Brainstorm three beasts-real or imagined-who your hero could become. What aspects of these creatures could the hero demonstrate in everyday life?
- Transformations often have triggers, like werewolves and the full moon. What could trigger your hero?
- Could your hero still achieve their goal if they transform back too soon?
