I'm getting a fiber internet connection tomorrow!
The Kirby 4 launch made me reminisce about how I first found it a decade-ish ago. I was looking to replace a similar file-based CMS called Stacey (I seem to remember a little drama between Kirby and Stacey but I might be wrong).
Another old CMS I was considering at the time was Indexhibit, which apparently is still kicking. https://indexhibit.org/
Arc users: do you see random pages go blank when scrolling to a certain point?
For example this page goes blank on me about a third of the way down. https://www.amazon.com/Apple-MX532AM-A-AirTag/dp/B0933BVK6T/
Ever since the iOS 17 update that dropped the “Hey Siri” requirement, my HomePod only activates about a fourth of the time. I don’t know what happened but it’s almost unusable now.
A program that turns a Bear note into a webpage styled with Water.css. Call it Water Bear and its logo is a tardigrade. #AppIdea
I’m investigating the pros/cons of using web components directly vs. using Lit, but struggling to find comparisons. If you know of any, please send them my way!
Here’s a little treat for those doing November writing activities:
I put a bunch of strong action verbs in a compact cheatsheet. It’s a @codepen so you can fork it and make it yours.
Note: this was my first attempt at fluid typography. I wanted to make everything fit without scrolling and be spaced for easy eye-scanning. If you know how to improve it, please fork it and let me know!
“Redesigning your personal website is one of life’s great pleasures.” — @chriscoyier on People & Blogs.
I’ve never listened to Wilco. Where should I start?
I started putting together my default apps post almost two weeks ago when I saw @robb mention the relevant Hemispheric Views episode. I've been a bit busy with work and NaNoWriMo but I finally got it over the finish line.
You know how some dogs bark at people when they come over?
My dog barks at people when they leave.
I don’t know who needs this but Gunship has a new album out and it’s awesome. https://open.spotify.com/album/4uAOIj4Sxh4sL6G0v5kykv?si=SHSb0OW7QDSQDxUz8rTKuQ
Listening to the album Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard and realizing it is 20 years old this year.
Sometimes I miss CSS-Tricks. I really thought DO was gonna do a better job.
I've issued exactly one Cursorless command and I already feel the power coursing through my veins. https://www.cursorless.org/
Behind on my NaNoWriMo 2023 writing goal, as is the natural order of things.
This has to be the most poignant description of a font I’ve ever read. Also it’s a great font for anyone out there attempting #NaNoWriMo. https://indestructibletype.com/Drafting/
@tomfinley@wptoots.social Yeah WordPress itself is impressively backward compatible. Unfortunately PHP isn’t so much. I’ve been bit by breaking changes in PHP a number of times. Luckily, WordPress is actively developed and on top of things!
I often find myself humming the SMB 1 overworld theme. That has to be one of the most iconic pieces in the history of digital music.