Playing around with a new homepage design with my stylish new avatar from @andycarolan!
Adding search to my personal site. Like many folks on, working on my website is one of my most favorite things to be doing.
“Therefore, if the Moon were the diameter of an average grain of sand, the diameter of the Earth would be approximately 3,474,000,000 kilometers.”
— ChatGPT
Removed Twitter from my profile links. RIP
That tagline is such a huge undersell. But I get that you can’t list everything.
Oh cool, I just discovered that 8 people have listed me as having referred them to
Screwing around with Docker all afternoon instead of doing the actual work I need to do. Hate Docker. I’m sure it’s great but, man.
I stopped enjoying banking when they stopped giving me free suckers in the drive-thru.
Spoke at a web dev meetup Wednesday night about “home-cooked” apps. It went great! iA Presenter is a nice tool.
Is FaceID coming to Apple Studio Display at some point?
That would go a long way toward making passkeys accessible to me (biometric ones anyway—I don’t really understand what options I have).
Trying to decide if it’s time to join some webrings. Yes, right? But which ones?
Had to put together a talk on short notice and I’m using @ia Presenter. It’s freaky how well this tricks you into writing a good talk instead of fiddling with slides for hours.
I love how is full of avatars by @heyheymomo and @andycarolan.
Mac apps I’ve been enjoying lately (both old and new):
- Ivory: welcome this fantastic Mastodon client to the Mac App Store!
- Tot: this replaced the built-in Stickies app for me. And it’s free!
- Silicio: luxurious mini-player that works with Apple Music and Spotify
- iA Writer: great for writing and has all the features I need to be my main notes store.
- Things: I’m not a todo junkie but I can’t keep everything in my head all the time. Things helps me remember what needs to be done.
I dislike the UI pattern of “floating action buttons” because they end up blocking some part of the app I want to click or read. I get why they exist, though.