For years I’ve written a handful of blog articles a year. But a few months into 2023, I realized that I had written one blog article per month. I’ve been trying to keep that streak alive and it’s been fun!
During a four-day power outage I was confronted with how meaningless my work and hobbies are if there is no electricity to support them.
Our dev team was recently tasked with standing up user docs sites for our suite of NASA apps. We used @eleventy and a classless CSS theme ( and it worked out great!
I love that it was quick to get started but also that 11ty is super flexible, should we need to add features later.
Does anyone still use the phrase “surf the web” and, if not, can we bring it back? Cool beans.
Also I think this is the first time I’ve ever used the word, “swimmingly.”
Seeing the Vision Pro demos, I’m wondering if the blurred glass look of the big iOS 7 redesign had VR/AR in mind at all or if it just happened to work out swimmingly.
One thing that interested me during the 4-day power outage was this book, Top 10 Games You Can Play In Your Head, By Yourself.
I’ve only managed to play the exercise described in the introduction. But this concept and the author is fascinating.
I’m back after a four-day power outage. Being a disabled web developer, a multi-day power outage is existential-crisis-inducing. My whole life's work and all of my skills and abilities suddenly gone and meaningless. When the power came back, it was like waking up from a bad dream. Did those four days actually happen?
Albums I've enjoyed today:
MORE D4TA by Moderat Depression Cherry by Beach House Lost On You by LP
I whistle at my desk a lot. I’m not a great whistler but I really enjoy it. Sometimes it’s a melody. Sometimes it’s a harmony. Sometimes it’s just whatever my brain decides to procedurally generate.
Reason #112 that I won't be working on location any time soon if I can help it.
Did Apple out-Meta Meta with the Vision Pro?
Reddit CEO’s warning to employees not to wear Reddit gear for their own safety seems like a sneaky way to make it sound like people are mad at Reddit when they’re actually mad at just him/management.
Playing around with a new homepage design with my stylish new avatar from @andycarolan!
Adding search to my personal site. Like many folks on, working on my website is one of my most favorite things to be doing.
“Therefore, if the Moon were the diameter of an average grain of sand, the diameter of the Earth would be approximately 3,474,000,000 kilometers.”
— ChatGPT
Removed Twitter from my profile links. RIP