@BinaryDigit@easymode.im what kind of work do you do (if you feel like sharing)?
I wrote a little bit about the solitaire game I made with PixiJS. https://blakewatson.com/journal/i-made-a-web-based-version-of-sawayama-solitaire/
This is how I ended up on social.lol. There were so many choices. Then I realized my omg.lol page came with a Mastodon account if I wanted it. Problem solved. https://mastodon.social/@bastianallgeier/110379415772407351
I don’t know who needs this but https://butt.holdings/
I shut down the blog but I maintain an archive of all the posts—going as far as to set up redirects of all the original URLs.
Unfortunately, that didn’t stop it from losing SEO juice. So he rarely gets credit for his accomplishment.
Because of that I like to give it the occasional shoutout.
Back in 2012 my brother, in a pee-holding-induced moment of inspiration, conjured up the concept of “pee math.” He published the seminal work, Pee Math, on my now-defunct disability blog, I Hate Stairs.
The term took hold in online communities and its usage made it all the way to the New York Times!
Pee Math: https://blakewatson.com/ihs/pee-math/
Usage in NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/01/health/for-millions-life-without-medicaid-services-is-no-option.html
The thing that scares me about passkeys is that they seem to rely on devices with biometric security, which are difficult for me to use (because I can’t handle a phone).
Related: how long until FaceID on a Mac?
It was a random impulse buy on the then-brand-new iTunes Store. Maybe it’s because I’ve been listening to it for nearly 20 years now, I don't know. But I've really come to adore the album Mouthfuls by Fruit Bats. https://open.spotify.com/album/1Wx4ud28ypU7HAWuOHkmQ2?si=O5dNLd_1R52GaRFr0zmx2Q
I love it when someone makes a little webpage that does One Thing Well™. Today’s example, this dead simple tool that removes duplicates from a list of lines. https://dedupelist.com/
It looks like I am going to be speaking at MagnoliaJS 2023! I'm going to be talking about making stuff just for yourself (and friends and family). Here is a small taste for now. https://blakewatson.com/journal/the-joys-of-home-cooked-apps/
Just watched @sophie’s talk and it is awesome and you should watch it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZUqa-lTbnU
Thanks @anniegreens for sharing it!
I made a solitaire game using PixiJS and Anime: https://www.watsonbrosgames.com/solitaire/
@chriscoyier Just wanted to say I appreciate the big ol’ scrollbar on your site! What a legend.
Wish Firefox made big ol’ scrollbars possible. Ah well.
One of the problems I have hiring caregivers is that I get a lot of applications with almost no info on them. I wonder if it’s ppl who need to apply in order to keep getting unemployment.
I understand, to an extent, but it sucks because I’m using PPC Indeed ads so I have to pay for their click even tho they don’t really want the job.
I’m just an individual. So I don’t have a big ad budget.
My theory could be wrong but I *am* certain some people apply who don’t want the job. Just not sure why.
Hiring caregivers for me and my brother. It’s tough, but I’m proud of the lil PHP app we made for receiving and processing applications.
My whole day was tanked with a whack-a-mole-style onslaught of Docker and NPM errors. Finally got my environment running again but, man, my brain was fried afterward.
Love this track. The Girl Who Stole My Tamagotchi by Hot Sugar https://open.spotify.com/track/5aJph9adNgkyW6vFn66ils?si=2953babef0284a24