
Two orgs worth donating to in this season of giving are Wikimedia and Internet Archive.

They aren’t without their controversies, but both Wikipedia and the Wayback Machine are IMO priceless resources and they’re available for free. I’d like to see them continue to be things!


I’m trying to decide what to do with my dice rolling app, d20. It’s based on Electron, which I don’t love. And currently the thing is built targeting Intel Macs. But I don’t want to ship a universal version because that would create an app size equivalent to two whole Electron apps, which is clearly ridiculous.

So I think my options are to ship a build targeting Apple Silicon only, or abandon the Mac app entirely and transition to a PWA.

I wrote about how I love Alpine.js for side projects and home-cooked apps.

(Reposting because my other one is a quote post and didn’t render my open graph preview. And yes, this parenthetical is longer than my text above. But you know what, I love a good parenthetical. Why do you think the “behind the scenes” genre exists? It’s because parentheticals are great stories in their own right.)

