
I have this fantasy where I live in this small village town where everyone is friendly and takes care of each other and my day job is the village web designer and one of my responsibilities is the local news website but it’s just stuff like Bob’s Donuts is experimenting with a new flavor this week.


Just added some more improvements. Thanks, everyone, for the feedback and kind words!

- Better mobile support
- iPhone homescreen app-capable (with icon!)
- Mark paste as listed (shows up on your public pastebin)
- Sort notes alphabetically or by last updated
- Get the note/paste URL in the sidebar
- Restore previous scroll position when deactivating preview



Attention omglolers…

You know what the world needs? Yet another note-taking app!

Why? Because I had the address “write.omg.lol” and I wanted to make something fun with it! (This is the way.)

Write is a notepad that saves your notes as unlisted pastes in your omg.lol pastebin. It can preview markdown. It has a distraction free mode. It has color themes. It has bugs (probably). It’s desktop size only right now but mobile is my next priority.

Check it out: write.omg.lol/


A Mississippi man sustained multiple mental and emotional injuries after a run in with CORS.

He was heard moments ago yelling, “ACCESS CONTROL ALLOW YOUR MOM,” after which he was seen flipping his computer desk.

Said the man after a calm exhale, “I am now ready for the sweet peace of death.”

This story is developing.


For example, I tried Raycast. It ended up not working for me for a few reasons. But one of them was that I couldn’t scroll any of its views because there aren’t visible scrollbars for me to grab.

(Yes that’s how I have to scroll and I know that’s weird.)


I don’t know how so many macOS apps are able to hide scrollbars even though I have “Show scrollbars” set to “Always” in macOS settings.

I see it more as time goes on and it makes me wonder if there’s just some SwiftUI scroll view or something that does that by default.

Screenshot of macOS Settings app, Appearance panel. Show scroll bars is set to Always.
