
My personal site runs on WordPress, and I think I have an only-recently-expired GravityForms license. Or could potentially use some other plugin.

Not super excited about doing that, but it is an option.


I need to put up a fairly simple survey that will need to collect a few text fields, but also possibly a file upload.

I am assuming less than 100 responses (probably much less).

It doesn't have to be free, but as it's kind of a one-off, I'd like to avoid a subscription.

What is a good service I can use for this that won't be too much of a hassle?



My wheelchair's joystick stopped working when I got back home from a doc appointment. So I swapped out the joystick for the one on my previous chair. It worked, but turns out the orientation of that one is off by like 45 degrees. So I had to rewire my brain on the fly in the heat just to get out of the van and into the house. Took about 30 minutes.

Related: this is the best Coke Zero I’ve ever had.
