
Does anyone know of a good primer on community moderation? Specifically Discord, if that matters. Not technical stuff but just like some guidance on determining how to handle various situations.


I have a bad habit of switching notes apps frequently, but that's because the app I’m using is always lacking THAT ONE THING that would make it perfect. App junkies know what I'm talking about.

But I'm telling you. I think I finally found it. The perfect balance. The robustness of plaintext. The niceness of rich text.

All of the essential PKM features: tags, internal links, backlinks, search.

Easy syncing. Great typography.

A native desktop app.

A beautiful icon.

Bear @bear


I opened up Apple Music on Mac for the first time in months to see if the situation has improved.

It’s worse. Even though I have “Always show scrollbars” on in System Settings, the scrollbar in Apple Music disappears after a few seconds. Up and down arrows wouldn’t scroll the view.

I can’t use a scrollwheel. I could add Page Up/Down buttons to my onscreen keyboard I guess, but…

Meh. Back to Spotify! RIP iTunes.


If a social network isn't accessible via desktop, I won’t be on it. I don't have the hand strength for touchscreens (although Voice Control on iPhone has gotten pretty good lately).


This one has been driving me mad for years. Clicking on modifier keys on the macOS Accessibility Keyboard would make this awful typewriter clunking sound.

How to make it stop:

  • Go to System Settings > Accessibility > Keyboard.
  • Click the little info icon next to Accessibility Keyboard
  • Make sure Play sounds for key and dwell actions is off (it probably is already)
  • Click Done, then click the info icon next to Sticky Keys.
  • Turn off Beep when a modifier key is set.

You might be thinking, “But sticky keys isn’t even on!” To which I respond, yes that’s why it took me so long to find that setting and why I’m writing it down on the interwebs.