I have a fast approaching talk about home-cooked apps—the ones we make just for ourselves and family and friends. Tell me about yours so I can give examples! https://blakewatson.com/notes/13827e9b/
I just now discovered CHVRCHES. This song was released in 2021 but it sounds like it came straight out of the eighties. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kRYTaT0PB8
I was just forced to do an image verification captcha to unsubscribe from a marketing email list. 😖
When I was in high school complaining about math and asking when I would ever need this, I wish my teachers would have said “In 20 years when you finally try to make a video game.”
@chriscoyier Just noticed your site redesign. Looks great! Love the faint border on top of the cards. And I'm especially happy to see that the big chonker of a scrollbar is continuing its reign. 🧡
I wrote a JavaScript tutorial for improving procedural code with more declarative, functional code.
@allenstenhaus@toot.site Yeah exactly. I'm in a bit of a similar situation in that I'm only able to earn the income I do because of some very specific rules and money juggling.
But it really shouldn't be this way.
Follow-up on yesterday’s SSI post:
Ideally I’d like to see means-testing completely removed from disability programs that provide equipment and in-home care.
Free us up to chase the highest wages we can and that will mean more taxes paid back into the system.
Some people just want to watch the world burn and type their smileys backward (:
For example, I have a severe mobility impairment. But thanks to federal and state programs, I’ve been able to get an education, learn computer programming, and join the workforce as a software engineer working for a NASA contractor—despite being so weak I can barely move my fingers.
But I rely on my daily caregiver hours in order to continue working. I can’t afford to pay all of their wages. And without them, I couldn’t work.
We need programs that let people with disabilities work and thrive.
And it’s not just about receiving cash payments. In many cases, SSI participants aren’t receiving payments at all.
Rather, their SSI status is giving them access to other services they need, such as paying for medical equipment and providing in-home care.
In the US, our disability support programs impose stringent financial limits. In the case of SSI, participants cannot have more than $2k in assets (cash, checking, savings, etc *combined*).
That limit was set in the 80s and hasn’t been updated since.
It’s time to fix that.
Software dev projects would be so much more fun if you could finish them.
Ayyy. Ivory for macOS will now respect custom icons. I’m using this delightful one by @andycarolan!
Cool PHP things I recently discovered:
Plates - native PHP templates
Tapestry - static site generator made with Plates
More nice little packages
No I don’t want to update my scanner’s software right now. Yes I’m sure. It’s just like I said yesterday and the day before that and the day before that.
- Arc browser
- The new Edge design
- The new Slack design
- Craft
What do you call this UI design style?
It’s sort of modular, delineating between the window container and inner containers. Rounded corners everywhere.
I'm one of those people who enjoys making fun of Tailwind even though I've never used it.
But I keep hearing the same thing from different people who like it. They don't put it in these terms, but what I hear is:
Tailwind lets you style things without naming a bunch of things.
Not saying this is an insurmountable problem of other CSS methodologies, but just that Tailwind involves less coming up with names.
And naming things, as we know, is one of the two hard things in computer science.