
How it started/how it’s going, 2023 goals:

- Read 5 books (3/5)
- Write 5 blog articles (6/5!)
- Make one game (1/1)
- Keep a journal (C+)
- Make (or start) a new app for money (0/1)
- Be more social (C+)



Finished reading (well, listening to) We Are Legion (We Are Bob). Very cool book for space lovers. It’s a series, so I’ll probably be continuing on with it.



I’m back after a four-day power outage. Being a disabled web developer, a multi-day power outage is existential-crisis-inducing. My whole life's work and all of my skills and abilities suddenly gone and meaningless. When the power came back, it was like waking up from a bad dream. Did those four days actually happen?



I whistle at my desk a lot. I’m not a great whistler but I really enjoy it. Sometimes it’s a melody. Sometimes it’s a harmony. Sometimes it’s just whatever my brain decides to procedurally generate.

Reason #112 that I won't be working on location any time soon if I can help it.
