
I used to consider the potential longevity of products and services before investing time and money into using them.

I would ask, "Will this be around in a decade?"

When it came to huge corporate names, I felt safer. It never occurred to me to ask, "Will a billionaire purchase this and ruin it?"

I see things differently now. I'll see a small indie project and think, "This'll probably last longer than Twitter did."



Working on a little web app when suddenly out of nowhere my brain goes, "What if 1Password goes away and the app no longer works and you can't get any of your passwords and 1Password somehow lost all of their backups and you really need your passwords like right now? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THEN, PRAY TELL?"


Attention everyone using Linktree. Imma need yall to switch over to the far superior and much friendlier omg.lol. That is all. Thank you.