
Dear RSS reader,

I am removing microblog posts from my main RSS feed. If for some weird reason you would like to continue getting them, please subscribe to the following feed:


What remains are the 3–5 articles I write per year, usually about web development and personal projects.


I just bought an omg.lol address so I could see how far off base the haters on Hacker News were. They all over there like: WhY DoN'T YoU JuSt gEt yOuR OwN DoMaIn??


I started holiday vacation today and I have a plan drawn up to catch up on side projects. I’m calling it Holiday Sprint 2022.

I started with some quick updates to my DIY Pinboard replacement and managed to knock out the whole backlog!

Heading Tasks followed by a list of completed tasks. Run some sort of backup task. Could be a simple `cp` command weekly. Cache the bookmarks locally and load those first (did I already do this?). When clearing search, automatically reset the results. Warn if about to save a duplicate bookmark. Clicking a tag in the suggestion box should collapse the box. Show the tag suggestion box in the search bar. Fix the light mode loader. Support searching for URLs.

I don’t mind holding and listening to silly music. I get it. Customer service is swamped. But I hate the recurring message telling me how important I am every 10 seconds.

I had to switch over to iA Writer for NaNoWriMo. I love Scrivener and Ulysses but if you give me unbridled font choices, I will never get any writing done.

SMA Simulator you can use with no tech required!

First, find a comfortable place to sit down.

Next, reposition yourself so that you’re almost comfortable, but not.

Don’t move for 4-6 hours.

Repeat until you’re ready to exit the simulation.

(I jest, but like low key for real tho 😅)

If I could drive my wheelchair at an optimistic 7 mph directly toward the moon, I would arrive there in about 3.9 years. 🌕👨‍🦼