Web-based apps have the powerful ability to be styled by the user (via user CSS styles). I'm wondering if there are any apps out there that purposely style their interface so that it is conducive to user customization.
In order to continue receiving personal care services (which are necessary for me to live and work) I have to make bad financial decisions like turning down my employer’s 401(k) plan. RIP 💀 🇺🇸
Pulling my hair out over here trying to reliably reproduce Schrodinger’s bug.
I always hear, "When they go low, we get high." 🌿
Fangs! is a sci-fi fantasy concept album. It tells a story in bits and pieces. To this day the fans are trying to figure out what it all means. https://open.spotify.com/album/06Ea5K0IZ4EZP7b3j9zl8G?si=qTXpjyDYQkyW6JiucvVECQ
I still haven't gotten around to writing a blog post about scrollbars. But it is definitely a Thing—websites and applications as a general trend are neglecting this extremely useful bit of user interface.
As an aside, shoutout to @chriscoyier for this big chonker of a scrollbar. https://chriscoyier.net/ 🧡
The backstory is that I can't use a mouse wheel or trackpad. Most of the time, I need to grab the scrollbar with the mouse.
Not only is this rather tedious, but because of what I call the War on Scrollbars™, sometimes this isn't possible—they either disappear or they are so thin they are too difficult to grab.
Sometimes I use the keyboard, sometimes I use speech recognition. But the easiest and best way for me is to simply click and drag the entire scrollable area, just like on iOS.
Mac developers: do any of you know if it is possible to make a utility that would allow you to click and drag your mouse pointer to scroll scrollable areas in macOS similar to using a finger on an iOS device? (Not asking you to make it, just wondering if the APIs exist that would make it possible).
I need this as an accessibility utility. Thanks to the extensibility of the web, I have it there. But I've been spoiled. I want it at the OS level now.
Please boost!
Just finished up The Rainmaker by John Grisham. Going to try to catch the movie this weekend.
The coolest thing about the new HomePod is the in-built temperature sensor. I will finally prove to everyone else in the house that my room is colder than the thermostat reads.
Me in Discord: how do i not have a tinfoil hat emoji
My brother: because they don’t want you to have one
Me: 😳
re: https://bw.status.lol/63daed94abe90
I ended up going with Night Owl. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=sdras.night-owl
Twitter (Musk I assume) has it backward. Their API isn’t just providing value to apps. The apps provide value to *Twitter*.
They want to charge for API access, but they're only hurting themselves because they risk losing a lot of third-party functionality that Twitter users enjoy.
This government thing I was waiting on came through! https://bw.status.lol/63d98ee772406
Ok, time to work on this thing. Oh, let me start some music. Wait, the Spotify version of this album doesn’t have the bonus track. No problem, I'll use Bandcamp. Wait, then I can’t scrobble to Last.fm. I bet there’s a way—ah, yes a browser extension. I'll install that. Ok, now what as I doing again?